Wide Sky, Quotes So Far...

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This time last week 'Wide Sky' was released through Pledge Music a month before the official release on 23rd March. All pledgers and contributors received a digital download. I've received so much love for this album so far, I thought I'd share some of the best quotes so far:

"Her new album #WideSky is truly incredible; a coming of age, a career-defining work ... a masterpiece. Buy it." Dan Chisholm, BBC Broadcaster

"Fortunate enough to have listened to the final masters of the album. Without a doubt it’s @annanealemusic’s finest album. All the bloody hard work she’s put into it has produced something rather epic." Ian Sadler, Pledge Music

"...had it on repeat ever since! Absolutely awesome work Anna! Great song writing, your vocals are amazing and love the production and performances throughout. MORE!" Mick Flight, Pledge Music

"Wow Anna, it's fabulous! Thank you. I'm quite emotional listening to it on the way home from Iolanthe tonight." Claire Mitcher, ENO Chrous 

"I'm listening again now. It reminds me how I felt the very first time I heard 'Dark Side of the Moon' by Pink Floyd. Like then, I feel this is a very special piece of work. Many congratulations." Dan Chisholm, BBC Broadcaster

Thank you all so much, it honestly makes creating projects like this worth while! I've felt quite choked so far!

Anna x

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