New music? Yes indeed, it's coming...

I feel I’m always apologising for not updating my news. To be honest making music has been tough this year. Whatever enthusiasm I had at the start of lockdown wained by January and the urge to create went with it. However in the moments where I have been inspired I’ve been busy perfecting this, the new single which is almost ready for you all to hear.

This is the first song where I’ve completed all the production, a stepping out of my perfectionist comfort zone. It’s an incredibly important piece of work to me, not just because of the subject, everything surrounding this song feels special. Which is why I’ve tried to take my time to make sure it’s right for the world to hear. I think it’s ready. Today the song is with the very talented Katie Tavini who is added her mastering sparkle.

The count down is on…

Anna NealeComment
Stormy Daughter…was certainly stormy!

This weekend I finally filmed the music video for forthcoming single Stormy Daughter! It’s been one of the hardest videos I’ve ever made, having racked my brains for 18 months over the story line, but this weekend I decided to just go with it and see what happened (with some family help). I’m really pleased with the results, also incredibly impressed with what an iPhone pro can do with some typical British weather! Can’t wait to share it with you all.

Anna x

Anna NealeComment
To EP, or not to EP?

Here's a question, to EP or not to EP? Is the extendable player dead on the age of singles? Or is curation a welcome relief?

The reason I ask? I've been thinking about doing an ep for while, but the landscape has changed enormously since I released Wide Sky (RIP Pledge!) and I wonder whether the world really needs more content? There are several songs, all starting to revolve around a theme of manipulation. I think they'd make a good family, but without the 'team' you need these days making something like this feels like a Herculean task. So, what do you think? Ready for more…?

Anna NealeComment
Clubhouse…say what?

You may have seen the 'buzz', the brand new exclusive invite only platform that even Oprah is on! Well yes, I caved, I joined. BUT, it's rather good. Once you sift through the noise some of the discussions and advice are actually very interesting and at times, extremely informative. Who knew social media could be that way!

I've hosted one or two rooms but tonight at 7pm I'll be channeling my best creative/industry/academic side co-hosting a session on the future of music creation in the UK. It's a very important, 'hot' topic currently, with the DCMS streaming inquiry ongoing, the effects of COVID-19 and now the ridiculousness that is touring restrictions due to Brexit (the government were warned repeatedly) now is a critical time for the arts in the UK.

If you're on the platform come and say hi!

Anna x

Anna NealeComment
What's the Point? Podcast

Things may have seemed a little quiet musically on here (they're not thankfully!). 2021 got off to a rocky start health wise, with a double barrage of Covid and pneumonia. I’m just about coming round…

However I’m really pleased to announce that this little project that I’ve been working away on in the background with broadcaster Dan Chisholm is now ready and out on all Podcast platforms (Apple, Spotify, Audible, Amazon, Google, Acast, Stitcher etc) and is called What’s the Point?

I’ve found a gap in the (quite over saturated) podcast market for those wishing to pursue a career in the music industry as a creative. No one tells it like it is, so here we are! Each month we’ll be interviewing a range of guests on a variety of topics, starting with ‘What’s the Point of the Music Industry’ featuring Dave Rowntree (Blur) and is out now!

We had a lot of fun recording this, and there are lots of laughs, and well as some cold hard truths about the music industry. I’m hoping everyone can enjoy it. You’ll spot some instrumental music from yours truly too…

Please listen, like and share and of course let me know what you think. have some cracking future guests coming up too.

Thinking of a career in music? This podcast is for you. You may well be asking: If I stand little chance of being heard or making money What's the Point?'

Anna x

Looking back…

Contrary to popular (my) belief, 2020 was actually pretty productive. Not as glamorous as last year's collage of course with the award ceremonies etc but you know… :)

Looking back on this I have to say I feel incredibly grateful for the opportunities 2020 has afforded me. Some very lucky shows, a new band ( this space), interactive theatre compositions, the single Anarchy (still so relevant!), my first self produced music video, and indeed single (this year!). And while 'Zoom Doom' most definitely set in towards the end, I've managed to meet and work with people I never would have been able to before (I was on a Zoom call with Björn from Abba!!). Not forgetting of course, finally starting my PhD at Birmingham City University. So, if you've been part of that journey, thank you.

Happy new year everyone. Fingers crossed eh?

Anna x

Anna NealeComment
The F-List
14% Songwriters.jpg

I'm proud to announce that I'm an ambassador for The F List, continuing supporting women in the music industry! If you wondered why there are hardly any female voices on the radio, in the charts etc, this stat is a good place to start...😕

I feel like the above figure has haunted my career. In my twenty years I never fully realised how much my sex affected my choices, opportunities and in some cases my relationships within this industry. It was only when I became a parent I began to understand the implications of having a vagina! The door slammed firmly in my face. It wasn't the first, it probably won't be the last.

It amazes me that our wonderfully creative and diverse sector still seems to believe that being female, or trans, has the ability to stop us from being able to write, engineer, produce or do anything creatively worthy.

So, enough is enough. I'm old and cranky enough to make alot of noise about this. I'm damned if the next generation of female singer songwriters, producers, recording engineers, composers, you name it, have to put up with this crap.

Anna NealeComment
Wide Sky Vinyl

Isn't she lovely? This a final call for #vinyl pre-orderes of my #album #WideSky! If not now then when? This will be the last, limited edition run of the album so get in quick!

The order has to be submitted this week so if you want one, let me know! 🙏

#singersongwriter #merchandise

Anna NealeComment
Strange New Kid: The Cursed Verse

A little project I composed the music for and mixed over lockdown is now available to watch online!

Fable Feast's The Cursed Verse: Strange New Kid is an interactive online theatre piece which explores themes of horror and the macabre.

I worked on Strange New Kid with a very talented poet, an animator in New York and an actor from London! The benefits of digital collaboration!

This is part of a collection of stories available that involved 36 creatives from around the world.

The piece is available to watch here, hope you enjoy!

#composer #horror #interactive #theatre #strangenewkid #cursedverse #fablefeast

Anna NealeComment
Picnic at the Castle

Very please to announce that I’ll be doing another live, socially distanced performance on 19th September, this time at Warwick Castle as part of Picnic at the Castle! This was fantastic at Blenheim so I’m very much looking forward to having a mediaeval castle as my view this time!Tickets are now available from the website here:

Anna NealeComment